README.TXT dLSoft dLetter Pro Shareware version. This Shareware version provides all the facilities of dLetter, with the exception that files may not be saved. The full version is available, complete with an instruction manual, and may be obtained by registering as detailed in the nag screen. Please note that the colour control and barcode creation and printing facilities of this version are derived from the Professional Edition of dLetter, and are NOT present in the Standard Edition For details of how to order the full version see the file ORDER.TXT on the distribution disk. ################################################### The dLSoft Install program will install dLetter into a user specified subdirectory. The distribution disk contains compressed files which must be decompressed by the install program before use. FILES WILL NOT WORK IF COPIED WITHOUT USING THE INSTALL PROGRAM. Run the INSTALL program on this disk from within Windows. When using Pogram Manager, insert this disk in your drive (A: or B:), select RUN from the FILE menu, and type A:INSTALL (or B:INSTALL) and click on OK. INSTALL will prompt you for an installation directory name. During installation a library file name "COMMDLG.DLL" is copied into the installation directory. If your system already contains a more recent copy of this file on the Windows path, the version which comes with dLetter may be deleted from the installation directory. ###################################################### Version 2.2 additional details dLetter now allows any field other than the first (address) field to display graphics images. The images may be stored in files in the database directory, using .CLP, .BMP, .DIB, .PCX, .WMF or .TIF formats. Each image file may be selected by pushing the IMAGE button in the field block editor. See the HELP system for details. Note that only standard (public) TIF format records may be imported. Private record formats defined by some manufacturers for their own purposes will not be interpretted by dLetter. Professional version: Since the manual was written colour has been added to text, boxes and lines; colour may be specified by selecting the Colour button in the Font Properties or Line size dialogs and choosing from one of the colours available on your Windows system. Of course, colours will only show as colour on a colour printer; on some black and white printers (eg. PostScript) colour will be reproduced as shades of grey, while on others all colours other that white will be reproduced as black. Version 2.3 dLetter Professional has been upgraded to include additional barcode types not described in the manual. Please see Barcode types in the HELP system for details. The Barcode dialog now includes a check box for optionally including in the text display check digits for those codes for which such digits are optional. This is in addition to the check box for including the check digit within the barcode. Professional version: Rectangle/Box elements may now have a colour background set. Select the element and choose EDIT SELECTION from the EDIT menu. Version 2.4 Text within fixed text blocks may now be aligned (left, right or centre) through the text alignment dialog, accessed by choosing Format Selection from the EDIT menu when a text block is selected. The Snap grid may be made visible (in Printer and Maximise views) through the snap dialog. The grid is drawn using the Border colour set in the Background colour dialog. Professional version: Barcodes for EAN/ISSN/ISBN and UPC now created in standard format. Version 2.5 Text blocks, Sequence blocks and Date blocks may be rotated left or right when using TrueType fonts. Orientation may be specified in the Text Format dialog invoked by choosing Format Selection on the Edit menu. Graphics and Barcodes (Pro versions) are now handled in DLL libraries. Professional version: Barcodes may now be rotated left or right with correct text alignment when using TrueType fonts. End of README.TXT December 1993 #######################################################